
My Fellow American Campaign - A campaign for equality

As an African American woman living in the United States, I have encountered and suspect I will encounter Many more accounts of bigotry and hate towards me just because the color of my skin with me moving to Charlotte, NORTH CAROLINA soon. While America has made newborn steps towards a faux equality, anyone with some sort of "real life" experience in this country can agree while we have moved forward, it has not been by much.

This morning, I received an email notifying me of the My Fellow American campaign, a campaign advocating the rights of Muslims in the country and the efforts to wipe out ignorance against them as a people. Check out My Fellow American as Russell Simmons has already taken a step in advocating for this much needed issue to be brought to the forefront.
Check out the video http://youtu.be/pfmVE-6k8as

Visit the site and take the pledge!

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