
Message to my readers

I'm extremely excited about this upcoming year as it has already started off with a big bang and no that's not theory. Not only will I be making some changes in my personal life but I will be making significant alterations in my blogging life as well. As I currently have a few great internships, am a contributing fashion writer for a well established website, am helping to re-build an already running fashion based site and just joined a very helpful fashion blogging community- I vow for this year to be full of networking, planning, organizing, learning and traveling all surrounding a work ethic I've never reached before outside of show production and dance. As opportunities present themselves everyday, I plan to take each and every one worthy of capture and do with it what I may. I see a very bright year ahead as my level of optimism soars high. I hope my goals and drive help to inspire you. Let's have a year of growth and learning to become better and way more stylish than in the year before.

With much love, fixed collars and pin tucks
Mia Anita

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