
Mia Anita chats with rapstress Trina about her style and more

In the midst of a hectic schedule, with her upcoming LP 'Amazin' dropping in June, Trina takes a moment to sit and shed same light on fashion and what it means to her.

Like most young girls, Trina first realized her love for fashion when she was a little girl, "growing up as a kid my mom was really into fashion so I would experiment and dib-and-dab in it. I then became addicted to it, just the whole fabulosity of it, I fell in love with it" and anyone who remembers Ms. Trina from the days of the diamond studded bra, in the video for 'No Panties' knows exactly what she means. Similar to many artists she likes to keep things "exciting and new." Now looking back to the video shoot for her song titled, 'No Panties,' she shares "I remember I was just was just so excited. Everything was so new and I was in New York when I first saw it. That diamond studded bra, I knew nobody had it back in Miami. I couldn't wait to get back so I could wear it, I knew that was a hot piece."

Click here for the full interview

1 comment:

Don said...

Trina took the Slip-N-Slide baton and ran with it. Her fine ass.