
Time to dust off those willies, golashas and rain boots

Rainy Days call for Rainy Wears... and what better way to protect your feet while keeping your stylish tone than a pair of classic Rain Boots. Depending on where you reside the term "rain boots" may be golashas, willies and many more names that I haven't heard yet, but regardless what they're called they all serve the same purpose- to keep you and your little pinkies DRY!

As always the price of your boots will vary depending on where you buy them and at what quality level you choose to invest your money in. The pair to the left are Burberry and the Green pair below are Gucci. Of course you don't have to spend a month's worth of rent on a pair of rubber boots, Target has some really nice and spicy pairs but I would suggest you hurry because the price always inflates on items that are CURRENTLY IN SEASON... hints the rain falling outside right now but I'm sure you'll be able to find what you're looking for with a little research. J. Crew also has some really nice pairs. Another suggestion is to buy your rain boots one size larger than your regular shoes size to leave room for thick socks, unlike Uggs where you aren't supposed to wear any socks... not wearing socks in rain boots is quite nasty and rather unsafe for the fungus free feet I'm sure we would all like to maintain.

Good luck in your rain boot search... and once you find what you're looking for meet me outside for a sing and dance session in the rain. I'll be waiting :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sooo need to get a pair. The green ones are cute.